View From the Duck Pond

Friday, January 27, 2006

Movie Review: The Mexican

The Mexican is a surprisingly good movie. I've now seen most of it twice in four days. The first time I watched it alone. The second time I watched the second half (the best part) with my French roommate and her friend. It drags in the beginning, but the second half is the best part.

With humor and hints at a deeper plot, this slightly neurotic romantic action comedy describes the adventures of Brad Pitt (who's acquiring a pistol of historical importance for a crime boss that Pitt put in jail), Julia Roberts (Pitt's overpsychoanalyzed girlfriend, who's kidnapped to manipulate Pitt, but ends up befriending her gay kidnapper), and a host of other characters who are trying to acquire this old pistol.

While the storyline is totally unbelievable, the storytelling is masterful enough that you make yourself suspend disbelief. While much of the movie seems predictable, there are enough plot twists to keep you guessing. And the characters are likeable enough that I could forgive the gratuitous violence.

The Mexican won't alter your life view, but it's a fun piece of fluff that seems to be the perfect compromise between romantic comedy, brainless action, brainless humor, and melodramatic drama. Something for everyone and no deeper subtexts to leave an aftertaste or cause unwanted self-reflection.


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